Saturday, March 8, 2014

did you miss me?

This has been a very quiet winter for Ms. Piper.
And that's why she has not appeared on the blog for a while.
I've not been getting very interesting pictures.

A typical day might include:

Breakfast, chores, playing outside.
Tricks and treats!
Keeping a close eye on things outside the windows and 
Barking Quite Suddenly and Very Loudly!
Acting as if the barking Never Happened.
Getting the mail on the Driveway of Ice! Wheee!
Observing indoor activities.
Helping with the laundry.
Chores, playing outside.
Offering to carry one of the empty feed buckets.
Running into the snow and hiding the feed bucket where it will never be found.
Looking really innocent and cute about the feed bucket thing.
 More sleeping.

A pleasant enough way to spend a day, but quiet.
And missing the long walks and woodland runs of Spring, Summer and Autumn.

So today, when the thermometer registered 30F (!!!), we took a ride to the little pond. I managed to get the car into a tiny little pull-out, and swapped my spiked boots (which I needed to get from the house to the car) for my knee-high muck boots (because the snow is still knee-deep), and off we went.

The condition of the snow would have made for pretty good snowshoeing, but honestly, snowshoeing with Piper? It could only indicate a Death Wish.

"Come ON! ComeoncomeoncomeON!"

There was much running, sniffing, rolling, digging. 
There was leaping onto and off of snow banks.

There was leaping and cavorting around companions, as well. 

And eventually, long after I was exhausted, Piper started to look a wee bit tired.

I very slowly took off my mitten and reached deep into my pocket.

And we instantly went from this:

to this:

The miraculous rejuvenating power of the Most Excellent Favorite Treat!

I have yet to discover the treat that can work a similar miracle on my own energy level.
But I'll keep looking for it.